Sunday, October 28, 2012


My passion is to make all children's learning experience a positive one.  I want to make all the kids I come encounter with to feel safe and accepted.  When parents drop their child off in my care, I want them to be able to go off and feel confident and assured that their child is in a nurturing environement.

I feel that with my own experience of teasing and bullying, that I have followed the correct career path.  It is my goal to prevent the ridicule and humiliation that can sometimes go along with being different.  I can help even one student feel confident about him/her self, than I am happy with that. 

This course has helped me to realize and put in perspective why I chose diversity education.  I feel more confident in my abilities to accomplish my goals and dreams.
Along this path, I have read many blogs by my fellow colleagues, and it has been a pleasure to take this course with all of you.  I wish everyone the best of luck in your future endeavors and maybe someday our paths will cross again.

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